Total Time: 3 hours
- Understand the Need for MSE
- Understand the basic concepts, history, and philosophy of MSE.
- Understand the benefits of MSE
- Understand the rationale for MSE.
- Able to describe a Multi Sensory Environment and define Multi Sensory Enrichment.
- Have a basic understanding of neuroanatomy, the senses, and sensory processing.
- Understand the primary senses and how they interact with our environments for keeping us safe, happy and focused.
- Understand how the senses work
Read files: (60-90 minutes)
Presentation files: (45-60 minutes)
- PowerPoint- Sensorium 1 PPT (A box will appear asking whether you want to run or save the file. Click Save and run the file from you local computer.)
Assessment: (50-60 minutes)